Founder / Leader  –  Professor Rod Latham

The Worcester U3A Science and Technology Group was founded by Rod Latham in 2003, and continues to thrive in its unique rural setting of Wichenford Memorial Hall at 10.00am on the first and third Monday of the month. The principle purpose of the group is to provide a forum for updating U3A members of all professional backgrounds as to what are the modern developments in science and technology. To this end, a key aim of the group is to concentrate on basic concepts, rather than mathematical formalism, and so is of potential interest to anyone who has an enthusiasm for learning about “what makes the world go round”. The group has grown from an initial nucleus of ten or so members to its present complement of over fifty enthusiasts drawn from both the arts and the sciences.

Its meetings consist of a formal presentation (talk or film) for the first hour, followed by coffee, then either a general discussion of whatever topics are of current interest, or the presentation of further short talk. By general agreement, this second half of each meeting is particularly appreciated since its adds a social dimension to the group.


Science & Technology Group

There’s Still Life Yet in We Old Dogs!